Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Valentina Came to My House

Friday morning after we ate breakfast, Mommy called us. "Ethel, LuLu, Izzy come here please. I have something to tell you." We looked at each other, asking with our eyes who did something naughty. Mommy laughed. "No one is in trouble. I just wanted to tell you something exciting." We ran over to her and sat. "Guess who is coming to our house today for the first time. Valentina and her mommy and daddy. Won't that be fun!" We all agreed and we were on our best behavior while we waited for them. We didn't want to have a time out when we had company.

Valentina is my friend. We met her when I was volunteering at the Hebrew Home. We met a lady named Sophie. She asked Mommy if the dog is a guide dog. Mommy told her that the dog (that would be me) is a family dog who is in the pet therapy program. Sophie was very friendly and she was scratching my head and my back. It felt so good that I didn't mind that Sophie and Mommy talked for such a long time. Sophie told Mommy that her daughter is blind and she has a guide dog to help her. So then they talked even longer and it turned out that Sophie's daughter is Anita and her guide dog is Valentina.

While they werre talking, Anita, Frank (Valentina's daddy), and Valentina came to visit. I liked Valentina from the second that we met. I ran over to her and we sniffed each other and then we started playing. We ran around and around Sophie's room. Valentina likes to pull my ears and I like to grab her legs. Now we are all good friends and it all happened because I am a volunteer.

Mommy hasn't been able to take me to the Home for almost a month, but that is another story. Anita and Frank and Valentina wanted to visit because they missed us and we missed them, too. Mommy put Izzy in the crate because she isn't nice to other dogs. As soon as LuLu heard people at the door she ran upstairs to hide because she is afraid of people.

Mommy and I were so happy to see everybody. Valentina and I were playing like we do at the Home. We were having lots of fun. We got tired after playing hard and we both were lying on the floor resting. All of a sudden LuLu came downstairs and started playing with Valentina. To tell the truth, I didn't want to share LuLu so I shoved her away from Valentina and I played with LuLu. When we stopped playing something amazing happened. Lulu didn't go back upstairs. She sat on the sofa next to Mommy, right across from Frank and Anita, and she stayed there. She wasn't afraid.

Ever since the day Valentina visited, LuLu isn't afraid of people when they come to visit. She stays downstairs and she even lets people pet her. We are all so happy and proud of LuLu and grateful to Valentina and her mommy and daddy. For some reason that LuLu hasn't told me, having them in our house helped LuLu get over her fears. I hope they come again soon!

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