Monday, May 21, 2012

Drool, Part 2 -- Or Why Can't Dogs Eat Cat Food?

Today while I was walking with Mommy, we met up with Winnie's mommy Sara (Winnie was in her house), Avis (Avis has four cats, but no dogs) and Marshmallow the cat.  He doesn't have a home but the neighbors are trying to catch him and adopt him.  The people were standing around talking about Marshmallow and I was getting bored and impatient.  I was just getting ready to pull Mommy -- that's how I say, "Let's get going," since I can't talk -- when a familiar sound caught my attention.

The sound was the crinkling of a little foil packet, the kind that has my treats in it.  I turned to see who had the food and it was Avis.  She brought four of those packets out of her car and she opened one and put some of the food on a step.  I jumped up and tried to get some and everyone yelled, "No!  Ethel Frances, you can't have that.  It's cat food."  "Cat food?" I said to myself.  "What's the difference between dog food and cat food and why can't I have some, too."

I don't know what cat food is but it must be good because Marshmallow ate it all up really fast.  Avis said, "Wow!  Marshmallow ate that all up.  I guess it is good."  I was right.  Then Avis opened that packet and emptied it on the step and I tried to get some again.  I thought if Marshmallow already had some then it should be my turn, but I was wrong.  Avis said, "Oh Ethel Frances, I know you want some, too, but this is cat food and you aren't a cat."  As if I didn't know that.

I stood there watching Marshmallow enjoying that cat food and I was feeling left out.  All of a sudden I heard Avis say, "Ewww.  Look at Ethel Frances.  She's drooling!  Yuck."  I was surprised and embarrassed at the same time.  I didn't even know that I was drooling.  How was that possible?  I thought I drooled on purpose and that I controlled the saliva coming out, but I guess I was wrong.

Mommy looked at me and she understood the expression on my face.  She wiped my face and said, "Oh, Ethel Frances.  You don't have to feel bad about drooling.  I know you can't help it and I know you really want some of that cat food.  I bet cat food tastes nasty to dogs anyway.  I have an idea.  Let's hurry up and go home and I will give you your favorite dog treats.  Would you like that, honey?"

I looked up at Mommy and smiled and wagged my tail all the way up my back.  I was saying, "Yes I would like that, Mommy.  Thank you for understanding me."  I leaned against her leg and she bent down to kiss me and I kissed her, too.  When we got home Mommy gave all of us our favorite dog treats and I didn't care about eating cat food anymore!

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