Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To Eat or Not To Eat - Off the Floor

My sisters and I know that Mommy works very hard.  She works hard at her job and she works hard at home.  We know this because she tells us, especially when we do something naughty and messy.  We hear, "What is wrong with you girls?  I work very hard all day and then I have to clean up after you!  That is hard work too."

We don’t like to upset Mommy.  We decided to try very hard not to make messes.  We also decided to help clean up Mommy’s messes.  Every time Mommy drops or spills food, we rush over to clean it up.  Sometimes we are lucky and happy when Mommy spills something delicious.

Mommy and I went to the Home the other day.  We were visiting our friends in their big living room.  Mommy was talking to Gary and he was scratching my back.  I was too relaxed to stand so I lay down.  I noticed things on the floor that I didn't notice when I was standing.  I said to myself, "Ethel Frances, it would be a big help to clean up the things on the floor."  I stretched out my neck with my mouth open and just as I was going to grab it, I heard Mommy's voice.

"Ethel Frances!  No!  Leave it!"

I certainly was surprised at Mommy's reaction.  I can't talk with words, but I have other ways to express myself.  I stood up and hung my head down.  I made my tail droop and I drew my eyebrows together.  I stared at Mommy, right into her eyes.  If I could talk, I would have said, "Mommy, what is the problem?  I just wanted to be helpful.  Why are you so upset?"

A few minutes later,  I saw something else on the floor.  I tried to get it, but the same thing happened.  Mommy scolded me and I was sad.  Mommy looked at me, right in my eyes.  She said, "Ethel Frances, you are such a smart girl.  You can't talk, but you told me with your body language that you are sad and confused."

She sat on the floor and gave me a tight hug and a bunch of kisses.  She said, "I know you were trying to be helpful by eating things off of the floor.  The floors here look clean, but the things on the floor are not always food.  That is why I don't want you to eat whatever you find here.  I am proud of you for trying to help.  You can help clean the floors at home whenever you want, but not here.  OK, honey?"

I kissed Mommy's face from her chin to her hair and I wagged my tail as fast as I could.  Mommy knew I understood.  She gave me another hug and a handful of cereal.  I was looking forward to going home to clean the floor.  Maybe tonight Mommy will spill ice cream!

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