Tuesday, February 26, 2013

LuLu and the TV

When Mommy feeds us, I always finish eating first.  It only takes me a minute to gobble up my food.  Then I go  watch my sisters eat.  Izzy always finishes second.  I think it takes her longer because she is little and her mouth and teeth are little.  And then there's LuLu.  I don't know what her problem is, but she almost never runs to her bowl to eat.  In fact, many times she just stays on the sofa and watches Izzy eat.

 Mommy used to get upset when LuLu wouldn't eat because she thought LuLu might be sick.  "Please, LuLu.  Go eat.  You'll like it."  Mommy would plead with LuLu but LuLu didn't care.  Mommy decided that LuLu was not sick and that she just didn't want to eat when we ate.  Her food couldn't just sit there and wait until LuLu made up her mind to eat. Izzy and I would fight over it and one of us might get hurt.  So Mommy decided a half hour was long enough to wait for LuLu to eat.  Then she would pick up LuLu's food and put it away until our next meal time.

One day Mommy got an idea about how to get LuLu to eat.  LuLu likes to watch animals on TV.  She watches all animals but puppies are her favorites.  Whenever LuLu sees an animal on TV she runs and gets a toy to chew.  Mommy wondered if the TV would get LuLu to eat.  One morning Mommy put LuLu's bowl was on the floor.  LuLu was lying on the sofa, not showing any interest in eating.  Mommy asked, "LuLu, do you want to watch the puppies while you eat?"

LuLu jumped up and ran to the TV.  She stood there with her nose almost touching the screen.  Mommy turned the TV on and found a show with puppies. LuLu took one look at the puppies, ran to her bowl, and started gulping down her food.  She gulped and then looked at the puppies and gulped and then looked at the puppies until all of her food was gone!  Mommy and Izzy and I were laughing and laughing.

Now any time LuLu doesn't eat, Mommy just has to say, "LuLu, do you want to watch those puppies?"  Sometimes Mommy  just says, "TV!"  LuLu comes running every time and eats up every bit of food -- fast!

I wonder what LuLu thinks about that.  Does she think the puppies might come out of the TV and eat her food? Does she like to have the puppies watch her while she eats?  Sometimes Izzy barks at dogs on TV but I know better.  I know they can't hear us or see us.  I run to Mommy for hugs and kisses while my sisters waste their time watching TV!

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