Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to My Life

Hi everyone. My name is Ethel Frances Miller and I am a dog. I am half Labrador Retriever and half Pointer and totally sweet. I love life and I love people. People love me, too, so I decided to write a book about my life. I am not quite finished and I am still researching how to get it published, but I am so excited about it and I am so impatient that I decided to write blogs while I am waiting.

I live in a little house with my human Mommy and my two doggie sisters, LuLu and Isabel Victoria. LuLu is part Border Collie -- we don't know what the other parts are -- and Isabel Victoria is a Jack Russell Terrier. My sisters and I love each other and we love Mommy and she loves us.
Welcome to my life.

Please leave comments and let me know what you would like to know about me.


  1. Hi, Ethel Frances! I look forward to reading your book when it gets published. You said you like people and they like you. Can you tell us about that a little more?

    Hugs from your Mommy's friend!

    1. Hi Batya,
      Mommy taught me not to brag about myelf, but she said I could answer your question. I like people because they give me love and attention and treats -- three of my favorite things! People like me because Mommy taught me to be respectful and gentle. When I meet someone for the first time, I wait to see if they like dogs and I sit by Mommy's side until the person speaks to me or reaches out a hand. Then I go to the person and give them a big greeting. I do a little dance and wag my tail real fast and sometimes give kisses

      Mommy told me all about you and he said she loves you and misses you alot! Maybe you will come visit soon.

      Love, Ethel Frances

  2. Hi Ethel Frances, We want to know what kinds of games you play with your sisters! AND we want to hear about your favorite snacks!! Hugs from Aiden and Mia Flaherty in Dubai!

    1. Dear Aiden and Mia,
      I have lots of toys! I have balls and bones and squeaky toys and sticks. Sticks are my favorite. I find them outside and keep them just outside the door so I can take one when I go for walks with Mommy. When the weather is nice, Mommy takes me to the tennis courts to play. I don't know how to play tennis so we play fetch. Mommy takes the stick and throws it as far as she can and I run and get it and give it back to her. She throws it again and I get it again and it is so much fun. Mommy put a picture of me with my favorite stick at the bottom of the blog page. Isn't it big!

      When I play with my sisters, we play tug-of-war with our toys and we play chase. We have a lot of fun.

      Mommy told me that she has known your mommy since your mommy was a little girl. I hope I can play with you when you come back from Dubai. Love, Ethel Frances

  3. Isabel Victoria is part Jack Russel, part totally insane.

  4. Hi Ethel. I have enjoyed the parts of your book and look forward to the finished product. Maybe you can put your paw print in mine.
    Uncle Buncle


Where to Buy My Book