Monday, February 4, 2013

Mommy Was Selfish

I had a great day with Mommy today -- almost. Then she kind of ruined it. After breakfast and a walk, Mommy said, "Come on, Ethel Frances. Let's go to the Home! Want to go see your friends?" Silly question. Of course I wanted to go see my friends. I ran over to Mommy and waited while she put my collar and leash on me. Mommy looked at my sisters and said, "Bye, girls. You be good. We'll be back in a few hours."

Mommy and I got in the car and Mommy drove us to the Home. When we got there, I was so happy. First we visited with Sophie and while we were there, Anita and Valentina (Anita's guide dog) came. I love to spend time with them. I still can't run, but Valentina and I managed to play without being rough. Mommy took pictures of us and she gave us Cheerios for cooperating.

 We left Sophie, Anita, and Valentina and went to visit a lot of my friends who were in the TV room. Today I sat with Gary longer than anyone else. He was patting my head and scratching my back and it felt so good. He always says to Mommy, "You are very lucky." I am not sure, but I think he means Mommy is lucky because she has me. He also always says to Mommy, "She is so beautiful." I know he means me. Isn't that nice of him to say that about me?

So far, I was having a wonderful day. If only we had gone home then. We got in the elevator and instead of Mommy saying, "OK, Ethel Frances. It is time to go home," she said, "Ethel Frances, let's go downstairs. I am meeting Althea in the lobby."   We sat in the lobby for a few minutes and then Althea came in. She and Mommy hugged each other, but no one hugged me. Mommy and Althea found a table and chairs and sat down and started talking. They talked to each other, but no one talked to me. Althea had her lunch; Mommy had soda; and, I had nothing but a hard floor to lie and wait for them to finish.  I looked at Mommy then I looked at Althea.  No one even looked at me.  I was bored and decided to try to take a nap.

Luckily, a lady came through the lobby and noticed how bored I was. She walked right up to me and leaned over and gave me a big hug. She talked to me and patted me for a while and then gave me another hug and left. Mommy and Althea were still talking. I was beginning to think they would never stop. Finally, I heard Mommy say, "Ethel Frances, are you ready to go home now?" Mommy and Althea both had their jackets on. Yippee! If I could talk, I would have said, "Mommy, you finally remembered I was with you." Of course I can't talk, so I stood up, stretched, and wagged my tail.

I thought, "Mommy is selfish. She wanted to be with her friend without even thinking that maybe I would get bored listening to them talk for such a long time." No sooner had I finished thinking that Mommy was selfish, she leaned down and gave me a long, tight hug and a big, loud kiss. "Thank you, Ethel Frances, for being so patient while I was with Althea. I haven't seen her in a very long time. You were such a good girl and I am very proud of you.  I love you so much!"

Well, Mommy was selfish, but at least she realized what a good girl I am.

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