Sunday, March 10, 2013

LuLu and Lynn

Yesterday, after breakfast, Mommy said, "Girls, guess what?  Lynn is coming to visit today.  Isn't that exciting!"  I've know Lynn since I was a baby.  I was so excited that I ran around in circles, wagging my tail as hard as I could.  Izzy started screaming because she was excited, too.  LuLu is afraid of everyone so she started shaking.

When Lynn got here, Mommy gave her a big hug.  Izzy started screaming again, and LuLu started running back and forth.  I waited, patiently, until it got a little quieter.  Lynn gave me a big hug and scratched my back.  It felt so good.

Everyone knows and understands that LuLu is afraid of people.  When people come to the house, she usually runs upstairs and stays there until they leave.  She didn't run upstairs when Lynn came.  Mommy sat on the big sofa and Lynn sat across from her on the little sofa.  To our surprise, LuLu sat on the sofa next to Mommy.  After a few minutes, LuLu felt safe enough to lie down.

While Lynn and Mommy were talking, Lynn sat on the the floor.  She slowly eased her way across the floor, moving closer and closer to LuLu.  LuLu got nervous.  She sat straight up.  Her eyes bugged out.  But, she didn't jump down and run upstairs.  Lynn didn't want to scare LuLu, but she did want LuLu to trust her.  Izzy has to be in the middle of everything so she was on Lynn's lap.

Lynn played with Izzy and reached out and touched LuLu's paw.  Lynn played with Izzy some more.  Then she reached out and put her hand on LuLu's leg.  After a little while, Lynn was actually petting LuLu's head and then her back.  LuLu was nervous, but she trusted Lynn!  She didn't hide behind Mommy and she didn't run upstairs.

I sat and watched the whole time.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  Lynn and Mommy praised LuLu and told her they were proud of her.  LuLu looked at me and gave me a big smile.  She was proud of herself, too!  It might seem like a little thing, that LuLu let someone touch her, but actually it's huge.  Maybe one day, Lulu will trust all of our friends and family.

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