Monday, March 18, 2013

Play Date with Valentina

Yesterday, I had a play date with Valentina.  Mommy tagged along and visited with Valentina's mommy and grandma, Anita and Sophie.  I was glad Mommy had someone  to keep her occupied while Valentina and I were playing.

Most of the time, Valentina and I meet up at Sophie's house.  I like to push Sophie's door open just wide enough for my nose.  All of a sudden, Valentina runs to the door to greet me.  Then I push open the door and run in.   Anita always rearranges the furniture in the room to give us a big area to play. That is exactly what happened yesterday.  After Anita rearranged the room, Valentina and I started running in circles.  She tried to grab my ear while I was trying to grab her leg.  Sometimes we don't pay attention to where we are running and we run into each other.  Sometimes we crash into Sophie's chair -- while she is sitting in it!  We got scared the first time we did that.  We were afraid that we hurt Sophie.  We didn't.  Sophie looked at us and started laughing.  What a relief!  We sure do have fun!

When we got tired and settled down a little, Sophie asked, "Does anyone want a banana?"  I was first in line and Valentina was right beside me.  I love bananas.  Sophie didn't want her hands to get slimy from my drool so she handed the banana to Mommy.  Valentina and I followed the banana.  All of the people were laughing, but I am not exactly sure why.  Mommy looked at us and said, "Sit, girls."  We wanted that banana and sat before Mommy even finished saying it.  Valentina got the first piece.  I didn't mind because I knew Mommy would give me the next piece.  I was right!  Mommy went back and forth  between me and Valentina until the banana was all gone.

All of that sitting and the sugar from the banana got us up and running again.  After a few minutes, Anita called me over to her.  I excused myself from playing because Mommy taught me how to have good manners.  I promised Valentina that I would be right back. Guess what?  I found out that I didn't have to say anything to Valentina because we both got to Anita at the same time.  Anita gave us big hugs and we went back to playing.

I guess Mommy and the ladies ran out of things to talk about because they were starting to bother us.  Mommy said, "Valentina, come."  Valentina excused herself because she has good manners, too. She didn't have to do that because we both got to my mommy at the same time.  Mommy gave us big hugs.  She, Anita, and Sophie were laughing.  I said to Valentina, "Do you know what is so funny?"  She shook her head and said she didn't.  Then Anita called me again.  Just as we both got to her (even though she only called me) I heard Mommy say, "These girls are so funny  It's all or nothing with them."

I had to stop and think about that for a minute.  I realized that Mommy meant that if someone called one dog, they got both of us.  I asked Valentina if she thought that is what Mommy meant, and she agreed.  We also agreed that we were jealous of each other when our mommies were involved.  Valentina was jealous when Anita hugged me, but she didn't mind so much if Anita hugged Valentina, too.  I was jealous when my mommy hugged Valentina, but I didn't mind so much if she hugged me, too.

I wonder if it is all or nothing with our mommies.  If I could talk I would say, "Anita, come."  If Mommy came, too, I would have my answer!  Even though I sometimes get jealous of Valentina, she is my best friend.  I hope we have another play date soon!

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