Monday, April 9, 2012

It Wasn’t My Fault!...Or Was It?

I was very happy this past Friday. Mommy got up at 5 a.m. like she always does, only instead of getting ready to go to work, she started cooking. She was cooking turkey and roast and chicken soup and vegetables and desserts. Everything smelled delicious and I knew Mommy would share some of that food with me and my sisters. We had guests for dinner that night and even though they were people I love, I was anxious for them to leave because Mommy always gives us some of the leftovers while she cleans up. After dinner she changed her schedule and instead of cleaning up right away, she took us outside to “do our business,” if you know what I mean. She took me and LuLu first and then she took Izzy.

As soon as the door closed behind Izzy and Mommy, I looked at LuLu and said, “LuLu, look at that beautiful turkey! I can see that it is mostly bones on one side of the turkey, but there is a lot of meat on the other side. I think Mommy left it there for us! Let’s get it.” “No!” LuLu continued, “I am sure if Mommy wanted us to have that turkey, she would have given it to us. You know Mommy always says we can have her food if she gives it, but not if we take it.”

“But LuLu,” I insisted, “Mommy knows I have a big problem with self-control so why would she leave something on the counter so close to me if she didn’t want me to have it? I know I am right and I am going to get that turkey whether you help me or not. But if you don’t help me, I am not going to share it with you.” While I was munching on the turkey and the bones, I heard the door open and I turned to look and Mommy was standing there with her mouth open, but no sound was coming out. Her face began to get red and all of a sudden words flew out of her mouth. “Oh my gosh, Ethel Frances! Look what you did! What made you do such a thing? You know you are never allowed to TAKE my food unless I GIVE it to you! Did you forget or did you think I wouldn’t notice?” WOW! Mommy was throwing out questions so fast that I wouldn’t have been able to answer even if I could talk. And there was LuLu stretched out on the sofa with a big “I told you so” smile on her face!

I didn’t know what to do so I stood there looking sad, with my head and my tail hanging down so Mommy would know I was upset. I don’t like when Mommy is angry at me so I tried my best to apologize in a way that she would understand. I guess what I did was wrong, but I still don’t think it was all my fault. Mommy does know that I have a problem with self-control and if she had thought about it, she would have put that turkey some place where I couldn’t get it. (To be perfectly honest, I am glad she left it out because it sure was good!)

So it wasn’t my fault, right? Or was it?


  1. Oh, Ethel, you are naughty! I think you need to listen to LuLu more often. Aren't you supposed to be the role model? It's hard to be good all the time, though, I know, especially when there's a yummy turkey calling out to you.

    1. Marcie, I was naughty but what about Izzy? How many times did she get on top of the table? I know Mommy was happy that you were helping her keep us out of your lunch. Too bad you weren't here to keep me out of that turkey!

  2. Hey Ethel!
    One time my Mummy went out to shul on Friday night and came back home to get me and some challahs she baked so we could go to dinner at Auntie Becky's. The only thing was, Mummy left a loaf of challah on the kitchen table when she went to shul. I knew we were going to Auntie Becky's later, and that I should wait for Mummy to get home and feed me my kibble, but the challah smelled so good because it was fresh out of the oven.

    So I did like you did with the turkey, and I hopped up to the table (it's not very high for Labs like us!) and helped myself. I didn't want to be selfish, so I didn't eat all the challah. I saved some under a pillow on the sofa and underneath Mummy's blanket on the bed so that she and I could both have some later.

    Boy, she wasn't happy when she got home! Now anytime she leaves for shul on Friday, she always makes sure to put her challahs on the kitchen counter and says, "That's so you don't eat it, Melvin!" Sigh. I hear where you're coming from, Ethel. We can't help it if our moms make good food and leave it around!

    Sniffs and licks,


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