Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Leg, Part Two

I am happy to report that my leg is feeling better. Mommy took me to the vet to get my stitches out Friday. She was very surprised to learn that I had taken out all but three all by myself! I wonder if dogs can be nurses and doctors when they grow up. Well, I guess not. It was OK to take out my own stitches with my teeth since I don't have fingers but I guess other patients wouldn't like that.

I don't understand something. My leg is feeling much, much better but Mommy still won't let me do anything fun. When she goes out, I get locked in the kitchen all by myself. When she is home, she will not let me get on the sofa. I was trying to get on the sofa to cuddle with her and this is what I heard, "No, Ethel Frances. Get off, Ethel Frances!" That hurt my feelings. Why didn't my mommy want to cuddle with me? I tried again and for the first time in my life, she held her legs up to keep me off. She thought that would keep me off. I just stepped on her legs, got on the sofa, and lay across her legs in case she thought about pushing me off.

Mommy looked in my face and said, "Ethel Frances, I don't know what to do with you. You are not supposed to climb, run, jump, play,or go for long walks for two more weeks. Your leg needs time to heal from surgery. I know you don't understand but pretty soon you will be allowed to do all the activities you love to do. Just try to be a good girl and stay off the furniture. OK, honey?"

All I understood from all of that talking was that Mommy was right. I do not understand, but I will try to be good anyway because that makes Mommy happy.

Speaking of happy, Happy New Year everyone and thank you for being interested in my life and my stories!

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