Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ice Cream Photos for My Book--Not

Mommy has a lot of rules.  One of them is that my sisters and I are not allowed to take food from Mommy's dishes.  Last night I really thought Mommy lost her mind.  She gave my sisters and me dinner and then took me for a long walk.

When we got home, Mommy went to the freezer and took out some ice cream.  She loves ice cream and LuLu, Izzy, and I do, too.  Mommy always gives us some while she puts some in her cup.  Then she says, "OK, girls, I will give you one more and that's all."  She gives us one more taste and then puts the container away, sits down and eats her ice cream.

Last night Mommy took the ice cream out, gave some to my sisters and me, and put some in a cup.  She put the container away, but she didn't sit down.  She put Izzy in her crate, put the cup on a table, and picked up her camera.  Mommy said, "OK, Ethel Frances, go eat some ice cream."

What was Mommy saying?  Did I hear her correctly?  I looked at her, cocked my head to the side, and drew my eyebrows together.  Mommy looked at me and laughed.  "Oh, Ethel Frances.  I can see from your expression that you don't understand why I told you to eat from my cup.   You are such a good girl!  I need you to eat from my cup so I can take a picture for your book.  So it's OK, but just this time. OK?"

Was Mommy serious or was she testing me to see if I would obey the "don't take food from my dishes" rule?  I thought for a minute.  There is a story in my book about how I stole ice cream.   Hmmmm.  A test or a picture?   I stopped thinking and ran to the table.  I love ice cream and I didn't care if it was a test.

I ate it all so fast that Mommy hardly had time to pick up her camera.  By the time she was ready to snap the picture, the ice cream was gone and so was I.  If it was a test, I failed and I didn't want to wait around just to get in trouble.  If it wasn't a test, Mommy didn't have a chance to take a picture, and I didn't want to get in trouble for that either.  So I ran upstairs and licked the last few drops of ice cream off of my lips.

Hopefully, Mommy wasn't just testing me because that means she will have to try again to take a picture of me eating ice cream!  If I eat it too fast every time, Mommy will keep trying and I will have lots of opportunities to eat lots of ice cream.

Sometimes I am so smart that I amaze myself.

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